Sunday, November 20, 2011

Festival of Stars , Deleted , 2nd MV and SNSD ..

Well , Hello and Assalamualaikum guys !!
There are 4 topics , wow .. Haha , whatever , let's start :D .

Festival of Stars at the sky :) :

Ia berlaku waktu saya dalam perjalanan balik ke Shah Alam .. Pada pukul
10:50 malam ia berlaku . Banyak gile bintang kat langit , and it was pretty awesome , then I said Subhanallah .. I want to find a constellations , but I
think there are no constellations . Anyway , saya sampai Shah Alam pukul
1:00++ pagi , haha :D . Ok , that's all :) .

Deleted .. :/ :

I deleted my blog , Novel Remaja blog .. sbb , saya malas nak teruskan novel
tu , maaf lah readers .. lagipun saya nak buat novel baru and nak tulis
novel tu kat Microsoft words , and mungkin saya nak hantar novel baru
tu kat PTS One , okay , that's all :) ..

2nd MV :

Okay , T-ara ada 2nd MV utk Cry-cry . ni dance version rasanya .. Nak link ?
Boleh je :) , OK , That's all ..

Enjoy it , OK ? ;D

SNSD :) !! :

To SONES , SNSD make a special stage at Music Bank . If you want to
watch it , I will give a link , OK , that's all , bye :D . Sorry , my words in this
post are a bit weird cause I am tired and Lazy .. Bye :) .

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